Wednesday, 1 August 2018

The Importance of Diet Before and After a Workout

We know that people these days are very health conscious and like to maintain a fit and healthy body. Many people also follow a strict work-out routine to maintain a fitter body. People also diet along with exercising so that they can maintain a healthy weight. However, many people also stop eating when they are working out in gyms or follow an exercise routine on a daily basis. This is perhaps the worst mistake that people make. Diet plays a very important role when one is exercising and working out. It is very essential to eat a balanced and healthy diet before and after working out so that one can maintain a healthy body weight and also get a fitter and stronger body.

Why eating is important before a work-out session?

Eating a healthy diet before a workout is very important. It has been proved that whether a person eats or not before exercising, the body burns the same amount of fat when exercising. Working out on an empty stomach can however result in muscle loss. This is because when the body is hungry, it draws it proteins from the muscles instead of from the kidneys and liver where the body protein comes from. When this happens, the body loses its muscle mass and the metabolism rate slows down which in turn makes it difficult for a person to lose weight. Eating before a work-out session is also important so that the body gets the essential and necessary fuel to perform the exercises in the right manner. 

Before working out, one can eat foods rich in carbohydrates and proteins like brown rice, beans, bananas, broccoli, multi-grain crackers, oatmeal, apples, walnuts etc. These foods provide the body with sufficient energy to exercise for the required time period.

Why eating is essential after a work-out session?

When one is exercising, the body taps the food stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles. Glycogen provides the body with the energy to exercise. After a work-out session, the muscles of the body are depleted and tired. Eating proteins and carbohydrates thirty minutes or an hour after the work-out enables the body to replenish the muscles and provide the essential energy back. After exercising, the food eaten builds and repairs the muscles and also maintains the rate of metabolism. 

Food like protein shakes, salads, roasted vegetables, quinoa, multi-grain bread, brown rice and other foods that are good sources of proteins and carbohydrates provide the body with the necessary energy.

Go Performance provides fitness guide to people who want to stay healthy and maintain a fit and strong body. Our aim is to take fitness to a new level wherein people are aware of the importance of exercises and a balanced diet for a healthy body.

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